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Month: June 2024

Philosophy Views: 25

In Peace, Sons Bury Their Fathers, but in War, Fathers Bury Their Sons: Explanation

War is one of the most catastrophic events that can happen in any society. It brings with it death, destruction, and chaos that can last...

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Game Quotes Views: 51

If a Man Plays the Fool: Quote Explanation

The famous pirate Blackbeard once said, “For if a man plays the fool, then it’s only fools he’ll persuade. But appear to be the...

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Popular Views: 29

I Can’t Drown My Demons, They Know How to Swim: Explanation

We all have our inner demons that we struggle with. These demons can manifest in different ways, such as anxiety, depression, addiction, or...

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Philosophy Views: 175

He Who Makes a Beast of Himself: Quote Explanation

As humans, we possess a unique capacity for good and evil. While we are the only species on Earth capable of moral reflection and...

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Philosophy Views: 72

Have More Than you Show, Speak Less Than You Know: Explanation

William Shakespeare is considered one of the greatest writers in the English language, and his works have stood the test of time. He not...

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Religion Views: 19

God’s Plan is like a Beautiful Tapestry: Quote Explanation

Life can be confusing, overwhelming, and at times, downright chaotic. We often find ourselves searching for answers, trying to make sense...

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TV Quotes Views: 20

Each of us Lives Dependent and Bound: Quote Explanation

Reality is a fundamental concept that philosophers and scientists have been studying for centuries. What is real? How do we know what is...

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Philosophy Views: 11

Choose the One Who Chooses You: Quote Explanation

Love is a complex and often confusing emotion that can leave us feeling lost and uncertain. We all desire to find someone who loves us...

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Popular Views: 101

And Now I Have to Remember You Longer: Quote Explanation

Memory is a curious thing. It allows us to recall past events, store information, and form lasting impressions. However, there are certain...

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