The famous pirate Blackbeard once said, “For if a man plays the fool, then it’s only fools he’ll persuade. But appear to be the devil, and all men will submit.” This quote has become popularized by the video game Assassin’s Creed Blackflag, where players take on the role of a pirate during the Golden Age of Piracy. The quote speaks to the power of perception and how one’s appearance can greatly influence how others view them. In this article, we will delve deeper into the origins and meaning of this quote and how it can apply to our lives today.
The Origin of the Quote
Blackbeard, whose real name was Edward Teach, was a notorious pirate during the early 18th century. He is said to have used his fearsome appearance, which included a long black beard and smoking fuses in his hat, to intimidate his enemies. It is not entirely clear when Blackbeard first uttered the quote, but it is widely attributed to him. The quote has since been popularized by its inclusion in Assassin’s Creed Blackflag, a video game that immerses players in the world of pirates and their way of life.

The Meaning Behind the Quote
The quote, “For if a man plays the fool, then it’s only fools he’ll persuade. But appear to be the devil, and all men will submit,” speaks to the power of perception and how one’s appearance can greatly influence how others view them. The first part of the quote suggests that if someone presents themselves as foolish or incompetent, they will only be able to persuade others who are also foolish or incompetent. This is because people are often drawn to those who are similar to them and share their values and beliefs. Therefore, if someone wants to persuade others, they must present themselves in a way that is appealing and credible to their audience.
The second part of the quote suggests that if someone presents themselves as powerful or intimidating, they will be able to easily gain the submission of others. This is because people are often drawn to those who they perceive as being strong or authoritative. Therefore, if someone wants to gain the submission of others, they must present themselves in a way that is intimidating and commanding.
Application in Everyday Life
The quote, “For if a man plays the fool, then it’s only fools he’ll persuade. But appear to be the devil, and all men will submit,” can be applied in various ways in our everyday lives. For example, in the workplace, someone who wants to persuade their colleagues or boss to agree with their ideas must present themselves as credible and competent. This can be achieved by backing up their ideas with research and evidence and presenting themselves in a confident and professional manner.
In social situations, someone who wants to be seen as powerful or influential must present themselves in a way that is commanding and confident. This can be achieved through body language, tone of voice, and appearance. For example, someone who wants to be seen as a leader in a group may speak confidently and assertively, maintain eye contact, and dress in a way that suggests authority.
The Importance of Confidence in Perception
Confidence plays a vital role in how others perceive us. If we lack confidence, we are more likely to be perceived as weak or incompetent, making it difficult to persuade others or gain their submission. On the other hand, if we exude confidence, we are more likely to be perceived as credible and powerful, making it easier to influence others. Therefore, it is essential to cultivate a sense of confidence in our lives, both in our personal and professional interactions.
Confidence can be developed through practice and self-reflection. By taking the time to reflect on our strengths and weaknesses and working to improve upon them, we can increase our confidence in our abilities. Additionally, taking small steps towards achieving our goals can also help build confidence. This can be as simple as speaking up in a meeting or taking on a new project.
It is important to note that there is a difference between confidence and arrogance. Confidence is rooted in a belief in oneself and one’s abilities, while arrogance is rooted in a belief in one’s superiority over others. Arrogance can actually have a negative impact on how others perceive us, as it can come across as abrasive and off-putting.
Overall, developing confidence in oneself is essential for success in life. By cultivating a sense of confidence, we can more effectively persuade others and gain their submission, leading to greater success in both our personal and professional lives.
The quote, “For if a man plays the fool, then it’s only fools he’ll persuade. But appear to be the devil, and all men will submit,” speaks to the power of perception and how one’s appearance can greatly influence how others view them. By presenting oneself in a way that is appealing and credible, one can persuade others to agree with their ideas. By presenting oneself in a way that is intimidating and commanding, one can gain the submission of others. This quote is still relevant today and can be applied in various situations, including the workplace and social situations. It reminds us that our appearance and how we present ourselves can greatly impact our success in life.